Author: rm-admin

COVID-19 Update

As a part of our ongoing efforts to keep our community informed about the constantly changing protocols and policy surrounding the impacts of Coronavirus (COVID-19), we are providing the following update on health and safety recommendations and the continuing measures we have taken to follow the directives of the CDC and all other governmental agencies. We remain committed to the safety of our residents, employees, and guests and we will continue to adjust to the situation as conditions change.

Residents and Guests

  • We are encouraging our residents, guests and staff to practice social distancing and avoid contact.
  • While sick, limit contact with others as much as possible.
  • Wash your hands frequently.
  • Cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze.
  • Do not share dishes, drinking glasses, cups, eating utensils, towels, or bedding with other people in your home.
  • If you feel sick with fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, seek medical care.
  • Currently, our offices are staffed. However they are not open for resident/guest interaction except for emergencies. Please communicate via phone or email.
  • We will continue to assist those who are in the process of moving in, renting or purchasing a home. Please contact our office to request an appointment so we may assist you.
  • All clubhouses, indoor and outdoor amenities are temporarily closed.

Home Sales

  • Our team is committed to assisting all potential home buyers and sellers during this time. We will be available for all inquiries via phone, email or by appointment. Also, we are in the process of implementing FaceTime (as applicable) or virtual tours for our customers convenience.

Our team is monitoring the ​Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)​ and ​World Health Organization’s​ updates regarding COVID-19. We will continue to review and adjust operational changes as developing conditions warrant. Thank you all for your understanding of and participation in these important precautionary measures which will allow us to serve our residents, guests, and community partners in a safe manner.

We encourage all residents to follow the guidelines from these agencies and governmental agencies.